
When i die is nothing the same as nothing before i was born?

by  |  earlier

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if you know what I mean!




  1. You are in for a pleasant surprise if you think that death leeds to nothing.

  2. heaven or h**l. our souls live on forever

  3. i think it would be the same as sleeping

  4. This must be amazing to realise that life is rounded on both side by nothing, noting is after, as nothing was before. Then, from this strange realisation a question leaps forth and asks – if nothing has changed since before until after then what has been the purpose of being?

    The fact is that nothing cannot change, but everything changes, so nothing is not everything, or nothing is aside everything. If the surface of a lake was equally calm and smooth before and after a droop of water fell then where has the water of the droplet gone?

    Is insignificance of an oblivion is our destination? For if it is, then, the same insignificance was before. We were made significant, but by who, who gave us life, and individuality of a being, what caused us to be?  

    The question has not answer, but it also has. The question points to the fact that we may die one day and then there is nothing, but there was something, instead of nothing, when I was born, something that caused me to be at the first place. Therefore when I die there is neither nothing, and nor is there whatever aside nothing is there, i.e. a difference has been made.

    Then if the droplet has have disappeared completely after causing a tiny ripple on the surface of a calm and pristine lake the that does not mean the volume of the lake has not increased at least by a drop, that is the lake now in its entirety.

  5. I think I understood your question more than most.

    did you mean, "When I die is 'nothing' the same as the nothingness before  I was born"

    In my oppinion I think it is.

  6. Well,  I do not know exactly what you mean;  but I'll try to answer as I think of it.

    If you believe in Soul and its journey then,  you have definitely changed its path with your acts in your time on this earth.  

    But if you mean the change that you have brought about on this earth,  even then I would say that we all make subtle changes in the lives of people we come across in our life-time.  We,  the ordinary folks,  do not make earth-shattering discoveries/inventions,  even so we bring about certain changes/influences  in others' lifestyle/thinking without actually being aware of it.  We touch many lives this way.

    So,  I would say nothing remains the same...

  7. everything changes and it keeps on changing...

  8. Yes.....and no.

  9. Whether you die has nothing to do with whether you effect change in this world or not. You don't have to have children to have a profound effect on the world. You will probably never know what you have done to and for others. The effect we have on others is more profound than anything else we can do because it is a ripple effect--you can't see how far it goes.

  10. well stuff like the people who remmber u and evryfink so no

  11. I've often thought about this, and yes I think it is nothing again.  The same nothing before we were here.  Quite a sad thought really.


      Mother nature inhales and exhales without taking note on those that come into her being and those that are exhaled out into nothingness.  The sun will still rise in the east, set in the west but at some point none of us will be there to witness this eternal cycle of life.

  13. Its actually the opposite everything is the same before you were born as it was after you die

  14. Hmm. Ok two different perspectives on this. You need to define "nothing" for a more specific answer.

    First perspective. In your lifetime you would need to change "nothing"-- an absence of something-- (which is not possible for there always something) to something to progress for a change in nothing that was there before you were born and after you die.

    Second perspective. Yes, nothing is the same as nothing before you were born. Meaning before you were born your existence on Earth was not present, so after you were born your existence on Earth changed reality to cause a change in the total from your time before birth to your time after death.

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