
When i do a side kick i can only do it low and then pain starts in the side of my leg by the pelvis joint?

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The pain is at the top of the leg. What can i do to make my side kick more powerfull and higher.




  1. You might want to get a deep tissue massage and have them work on your abductors. If you are having pain in that area, you might have some tension up there that is hindering movement. A massage might be able to help it.

  2. I was just like you I coud barly kick/because bad balance and stiffness  and hurting joints. trust me you shoud take it slow practis alot and dont give up, still kicking a knee hurts more than an elbow for opponent. ten years experience in kung fu and tie kwon do, hope it helped,and dont give up no matter how hard it gets. p.s. I can kick six feet now!

  3. all it takes is "stretching" and "Practice." however, go easy on the practice. When it starts to hurt just stretch....

  4. One of the things I have done is to practice the motion with one hand on a desk or other solid, lower object.  This will strengthen the individual muscle groups involved, just practice this motion until it is smooth, and stretch the hip area more.

  5. Ask around, see how others throw their side kicks.  I went two years before realizing my side kick was too much of a thrust and put the wrong torque on my hip.  I've since corrected the problem and feel like an idiot for trying to force a leg kick that continually aggravated my hip.  Listen to your body, explore the motion and balance of your kick.

  6. Stretch twice a day for half an hour. Once upon rising, once before bed. Stretch the whole body, not just the hips. Hold no stretch more than thirty seconds. Understand the difference between static and dynamic stretching. [I'm not going to tell you what stretches to do because you won't do them, but if you find them for yourself...]

    After your stretch, do a cold water rub down. Gently massage the joints.

    Stretches should cause slight discomfort, but not pain. Pain means you're heading toward tearing something.

  7. 1. Stretch all day

    2. Practice kicks

    do everything in moderation,  dont hurt yourself.   And having a coach/trainer with you to get you started for a few days would be very important.

    EDIT:  and listen to your body,  if it hurts dont ignore it.

  8. A) What kind of pain is it that you feel?

    B) Is their any inflammation around the area or do you just feel constricted in movement?

    C) Have you seen a Dr to make sure your hips and pelvis are working properly?

    Once you have those answers than I can better help you with the last part of your question. With out knowing if you have an injury or just need conditioning I do not know and cannot hence tell you now to improve on your side kick until I know more specifics.

    Email me if you want to.

  9. Stretch your splits daily, after a warm up that is...

    And keep kicking, especially with resistance...

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