
When i drink alcohol, my makeup goes all weird .. why is this?

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hey ... so i notice that every time that i drink (drink ... maybe a little too much of you know what i mean) my makeup goes all weird.

like my foundation soaks into my skin so i look all cakey, and my eyes go really big, my lips turn really red .. i look really unnatractive ... like my makeup settles weirdly on my face. ill retouch it ... but it will never look the same as it did before i was drinking.

does anyone know why this is?




  1. maybe your senses are just dulled by the alcohol and you think it looks like that..

  2. maybe your skin is allergic to something in alchohol. i dont really know sorry thats the only thing i can think of!

  3. It's because you're drunk, so everything looks different, or in your case, worse.


  4. The same thing happens to me! It's usually because after a while i stop caring about what i look like and i mess up my makeup without meaning to and i wont retouch  it. My face turns really pale too even though i have a good tan...idk its weird

  5. you didn't mention if you get sweaty? Because if perhaps when you drink you start sweating then perhaps this is causing your makeup and lips to get red.

  6. omgggg ive noticed this myself. one time i went drinking at a hotel with my friends. and we both looked in the mirror and noticed this. lol dont knoooo what it is! i really wanna kno the answer myself

  7. k when you get drunk you go into the bathroom you put more on and its caky and you probably try eyeliner and poke ur eyes or do it really hard and maybe you rub your lips??

  8. Drinking tends to cause more blood to rush to your skin, causing it to get hot and damp. Just my guess, but that could probably affect your makeup.

  9. I don't really know unless possibly it increases your circulation to where it sinks into your skin more. In that case I suggest you don't drink.

  10. when consuming alcohol, your pores widen. so your make up gets messed up, because your skin gets warmer, damp and the pores are wide open.

    you could say, your skin becomes another type of skin, and you don't wear the right products for that second type of skin.

    furthermore, when it gets late and you're tired, this shows on your skin - I go pale, for example.

    you got 2 possibilities, as far as I can see: don't drink so much, or wear less make up ;-)

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