
When i drink beer, after for a while the beer taste sucks. i feel like want to vomit?

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What is wrong




  1. I have the answer to your problem. Don't drink beer!! Drink something else!! There, problem solved.

  2. Drink other one.



  3. so stop drinking pal its better for u :)

  4. For those people that have had beer before but thought it tasted terrible and wonder why people even drink it then perhaps this  will help you find that acquired taste. Beer drinking, believe it or not, is to many people like tasting fine wine or single malt scotch.

    Try a stronger tasting beer, like a Guinness or other very dark beer,

    Drink it lukewarm. The purpose for this is to be exposed to a stronger flavored beer than you may be used to. You may find that a full-bodied beer or ale will taste better to you even if you haven't enjoyed beers before.

    Try a lighter beer, like Coors Light or Bud Light for your next beer. Rolling Rock is also an excellent starting beer. Make sure it's cold and hasn't been exposed to light for a significant amount of time as light may make these kinds of beers skunky and undrinkable.

    Choose cask beer. Drawn beers often taste better than branded bottled beers.

    Mix your beer. For example:

        * Try a Shandy — half beer and half lime soda or lemonade, or hard cider. Both will help you get accustomed to the taste of alcohol and cover up the beer flavor.

        * Try a beer such as corona, and put a wedge of lime in it. To properly mix:

             1. Cut a wedge of lime small enough to fit through the top.

             2. Shove it all the way into the bottle.

             3. Carefully seal off the top with your thumb.

             4. Flip the bottle over and wait for the lime to float to the new top (really the bottom).

             5. Carefully flip the bottle back over, and slowly remove your finger. Mixing the lime like this builds a lot of pressure, and if you remove your finger quickly, the beer will shoot everywhere.

    Do a shot, and then a beer. Depending on the shot the beer will taste excellent.

    Try something else! Don't like pilsners (Bud, Miller, etc.)? Get a stout. Or a lambic. Or a cream ale.

    Edgar Dsouza

    Sr. Lecturer



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