
When i drive off in golf i slice the ball. what am i doing wrong?

by  |  earlier

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i have the new sq squared driver.

when it goes straight it goes arround 290-310yrds. but most of the time i slice the ball .

am i stood too close to the ball or to far

can some1 please help me

i need to improve my score




  1. well the driver is square, but if the face of the driver is not SQUARE with the ball at the time of will slice or hook the shot

  2. my guess would be open club face at impact.  Try rolling your wrists over more at the bottom of the swing.  Look at a picture of Tiger just after impact.  His right wrist is rolled over his left.

  3. swinging to hard ...........teeing it up to high ........not watching the ball ........opening the club face at impact ..........

  4. As a former golf pro, let me give you the best advice you will get from anyone - GO GET A LESSON FROM YOUR LOCAL GOLF PRO!

    Now having said that, there are only a handful of reasons that someone would HOOK a golf ball, but there are hundreds of reasons that you might be slicing. All slices, though, can be classified into two direct reasons:

    1) Your clubpath was outside-to-inside, causing a glancing blow on the ball and imparting side spin (the lovely slice or pull-slice).

    2) Your clubface was not square to your intended target at impact. If your clubface is even a few degrees open when you strike the ball, it will also impart side spin.

    ...or else you're doing both, which compounds the problem and makes a better case for you to go see your local golf pro.

    Hope this helps, and may all your putts break six inches down.

  5. start with your club fece closed so that when you come through the ball it is square

  6. Well you possibly are coming from outside in when you start your down swing which in turn is putting a spin on the ball causing it to slice.Also your club head is not closed, it is being left open at impact with the ball.

  7. hard to know with out seeing your swing.  You might have the ball too far back or forward in your stance for that driver.  The flex in the shaft maybe too much for your swing speed.  Hit the driving range with your driver and make small adjustments in your ball placement and/or foot placement until you are more consistent.

  8. If you are slicing a square driver, then something is wrong.  The tendencies with that driver are to pull it or push it.  More than likely you are standing too close.  You don't want to feel like your reaching so take a half step away from the ball and see if that makes a difference.

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