
When i eat mangos they sometimes have this starchy taste

by  |  earlier

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does anyone else notice that?

is it starch i'm tasting?

it seems like it




  1. Kind of...I used to live in Hawaii, and in our front yard we had a huge mango tree and we always picked the mangos and ate them and they were always sooooo delicious, but since I moved to the mainland and I buy mangos from the store, they just don't taste the same to me =( i mean they are good yea but for some reason they aren't great and fresh tasting as the ones I had experienced growing in my front yard!

  2. I've never tasted starch, don't kkknow what it tastes like, I might like it but I've never tasted  it before, maybe I will now that you suggest its taste, is it giood, or what, ou  serrious!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  3. They're not ripe enough.

  4. maybe its because some of the peel that u cant see is still on the mango

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