
When i get back home i am moving my room to my brothers old room because he has a bigger bed and cool dressers

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and my room looks like a little girls room which i am not now i am 16 and would like to make my own room so i can enjoy it. First thing im am going to do is to buy a conforter that i like, then i am going to reorganize everything but i also want to put some pictures up so any ideas to redecorate my bros old room to become mine? i cant paint the walls unfortanely but anyway the type of person i am i love dolphines and wolfs and dragons.... i love to be outside and i love the beach so just any ideas to thoes catagories would be lovely thanks a whole bunch.




  1. why dont u look for posters of things you like so u can hang it up. you can also look for music bands u like. just put some stuff that you are into up on the walls and u should be fine.

  2. I have always loved this idea! take sand and cover the whole ground with it or you could try to have the whole theme underwater and have a lot of blue everything

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