
When i get my eyebrows done/waxed..?

by  |  earlier

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they get all red!!

is this normal??

what can i do to

make the redness go away??

i have a party tomorrow so

how can i reduce the redness??

help me plz!!




  1. The redness is perfectly normal it only means your skin is sentitive, especially in the eye area. & dont worry it will probably be gone tomorrow. During the night, it will fade away.

  2. Put some visine on a cotton ball and hold it on the red areas for a couple seconds and repeat.  it takes the red out-works great for red pimples too.

  3. the redness doesn't usually last overnight. if it is the first time you've ever gotten them done, then they may stay red for a day. But everything should return to normal before the party.

    hope this helps!

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