
When i get nervous my voice gets croaky, how can i prevent this?

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i am 17, and at school or in front of people is when it happens. Whenever i am nervous or shy which is alot ( im quite a timid person) my voice starts getting croaky or going slighty higher or just goes out of control. As a result of this i clear my throat alot to try to get it back to normal but it doesn't work.

What can i do to get it back to normal and not go croaky when talking to people?




  1. Breath ~ take a deep breath before speaking, it helps calm your nerves

  2. thats just part of being shy some people sweat alot when theyre shy some people blink alot when theyre shy some peoples voice crack when theyre shy and some people just run away when theyre shy its normal just try not to let it get to u and slowly start to get over being shy its hard i used to be pretty shy to where i cant think strait and i end up falling over even a pebble just keep in mind whenever it happens that its normal and youll get over it and at least your a female when it happens to a guy its a little bit more embarassing specially with a guy who has a really deep voice

    stay strong

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