
When i go #2 blood is coming out..whats wrong?

by  |  earlier

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im scared to tell anyone.. i dont know what the problem could be.. any ideas? will i have to go to the docter?? it is not my period! its coming from somewhere else!




  1. yeah i would deff. see your doctor thats not a good sign at all.

  2. Well is it a lot of blood?

    if it is you should see a doctor.

    are you sick, that could be a reason.

    when you go, your hole is small,

    so if its a larger size 'p**p' then i could stretch the hole and make it bleed. but you should only see that when you wipe.

    See a doctor though.

  3. go to the doctor you should not be passing blood form your anal area at all it is not normal

  4. Sierra B is right but it can also be a tear in the opening ( don't worry keep it clean and it will heal up), a blood vessel has popped in there( again don't worry), or if it continues at a bad rate its something more serious.  

  5. i think ur piece of sh*t is just way too big, so its scraping of skin from the walls of the inside of ur as*hole. nothing serious xDD

  6. It could be something as simple as a hemorrhoids, which can be relieved by Preparation H (also does wonders for gymnastics rips). Or it could be something really severely wrong. Blood in your stool can be really bad and you need to seek a medical professional as soon as possible.  

  7. yes u have to see a Doctor.  I Had the same problem when i was pregnant but it ended up being not so serious.  u really have to get checked because something could be wrong and need some attention.  i could list all the things that could be wrong but I'm not the doctor.  plz take care of yourself.. :):) stay positive but be smart.  

  8. You could have hemrhoids.  Or it could be an intestinal virus, especially if you are getting mucus with it.  There is a rare chance it could be colon cancer.

  9. well... this is kinda gross buttttt... when ur constipated usually alittle blood will come out when you wipe your rear end lol... so ya... its pretty normal, dont worry about it.  

    Good Luck!!


  10. I would go see a doctor ASAP.

    It may be embarassing telling someone,

    but you still should.

    This could be a serious problem.


  11. You have constepation where you push your p**p so hard that when you wipe it bleeds!!! The way my mom does it is to mix water with this special drink mix and you drink a lot of it and then thats it and you wait!!!! I had it to and I still do sometimes!!!

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