
When i go running should I eat before.I go.

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Every morning before I go to work I go running. I was wondering, should I have something to eat before I go, like a yogurt or weatabix. I have not done this before as I have been worried about getting a stich or something. Also I do not want to get up any earlier than I already do.





  1. you should have something to eat before you go running to give you more energy a banana is a good energy source.  

  2. have a nanna...give you a bit of energy but wont fill you up.

  3. Make a smoothie with 1 banana some yogurt and some milk. This will release energy slowly without giving you a stitch.

    If you have lunch a little late then add some oats and blend along with the banana the yogurt and the milk.

  4. a glass of milk will do the trick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. u could try eating a banana then get dressed then go running so ur not running straight after eating, and then when u get back have a proper breakfast

  6. yes, you should eat! Food like cereal, fruits, anything healthy basically! ou should also drink juice, smoothie, or water! Btw, also keep water/gatorade with you at all times! dont get dehydrated!

    It's really not healthy to not eat in the morning because you might feel dizzy or unconsious! And you wouldn't want that to happen so eat before leaving in the morning!

    And just because you have stitches don't mean you can't's not healthy not to eat! & making these kind of food I mentiones only take a minute or two!

  7. I think it would depend how far you are going if its over 8 miles i would but i have been fine running 8 miles on an empty stomach :)

  8. no

  9. i dunno but maybe you might throw up

  10. bananas are loaded with potassium so they will help prevent side stiches.

    plus they are yummy duhh(:

    & remember to keep hydrated.


  11. I read various running blogs and magazines. I recall reading that if you are running less than an 45 minutes or you run is not vigorous, then you probably do not need to eat before hand.  But if your run is more than that, or very intense, then you should eat something at least a half hour before your run. I would say something like fruit, a small granola bar, some dry cereal, yogurt, or half of a meal bar.  But no matter what, you should always hydrate before your run (and after).

    I like to run before class most mornings. So after I wake up, I eat a banana, then get dressed, stretch, and drink some water.  By the time I get out the door its been about 30 mins since I ate. If i decide to do a short run (30 mins) i skip the banana and just eat breakfast afterwards.  

    Good Luck.

  12. Fruit is probably your best bet. Perhaps better still would be freshly made fruit juice you make with your own juicer. (Juice you buy in stores is nothing but dead [no enzymes] sugar water.) One side note: don't exercise within 30 minutes of waking up. Studies have shown that certain enzymes in the body are high and could cause heart attacks. Good luck!

  13. I prefer to have an empty stomach when I run. Although if you feel that eating may prolong your energy I wouldn't eat anything too big maybe a banana the natural sugars will give you energy and the potassium will help your body keep from cramping.

  14. Eat something small because most foods are not very quick to digest and it could disrupt your stomach.

    Also, running whilst having low sugar levels is good so then your body can adapt and burns fat more efficiently.  

  15. Grapefruit juice is the best.

    Then eat when you get back

  16. try having a banana or any small piece of fruit like that,

    they give you a sustained amount of energy and will not give you a stitch...

    then have your breakfast after

  17. It would be good to eat before you run, however you should leave about an hour between breakfast and running or else you can get the stitch and stomach problems you are worried about. So assuming you don't want to get up at silly o'clock, I would miss breakfast.

    You might find that having a drink before you go out will give you some energy needed to run, perhaps a sports drink, water or even a cup of tea could do the trick, something light. After you get back you can eat.

    Oh, I'm just rememebering that I can add this - I ran the Prague marathon, a 9:00 start so no time for breakfast, having had 2 twixes and some water before the race, and did the same time as the last marathon I did before it, so dont worry too much about it

  18. runner beans

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