
When i graduate i wanna work in fashion but i have a couple questions

by  |  earlier

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i really want to work in the fashion industry for some big designer in italy, but i have a couple questions, do they get a good pay? and i have some really good ideas i just cant draw, what do i do? is that a set back?




  1. Well I would think so. Good luck!

  2. 1. if you really wanted this..i mean really wanted this, you would have had the passion to find the answer to these questions already.

    2. contact the companies you want to work for and ask them what they pay for the position you want.  do research on the web as to the details of each company job, foundation, what they expect, history, etc.

    3. if you are not a fashion designer, then find one to assist in creating your design.  if you don't have money, then buddy up with  a student who can help.  fasion design students are usually talented in drawing.

    4. this is only a setback if you are a fashion design student.  you will not be good at putting the companies ideas on paper if you can't put your own on paper. what if there is a tight deadline and the design is needed within 1 to 2 hours. what will you do? get fired?

    5. given your questions, i would say you may need to find another career that you could be passionate and talented with.  again, passion would have driven you to find thse answers instantly.

  3. and when do you graduate, in 10 years.

  4. You could hire a personal drawer but mostly all designers draw there own styles. And working in the fashion industry is a really good pay if your style makes a hit. Good luck:]

  5. you'll have to take lessons to learn how to sketch because it's a major set back, as long as you make it big time you'll get paid well.

  6. not being able to draw your designs is a huge set back. how can any one know what you mean if you can't draw it.

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