
When i help poor Humans and give Milk to Dogs,why i feel very Happy inside my Soul? My Parents dont like it?

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good morning brothers and sister

whenever i go for my computer classes in cp,i always give my half lunch to blind persons.i had 2 days class of computer in cp.

i feel very much satisfy inside my soul and very happy.

than in night daily i give Milk to stray dogs near my home,kalu and his wife kali regularly and other dogs also,few days before kali give birth to many puppis ,so i give them lot of milk and food,.

my parents dont like me at all,they call me idiot because of these acts,they hate dogs and say you waste money on dogs,i say i earn it by myself what is your problem and the milk which i gave to dogs,i saved from my own pocket money.

yestarday they shout at me and insult me,i was caught on night at 1 am giving milk to dogs.

q1 why i feel great inside my soul and happy,when i give milk to dogs and my half lunch to blind.

q2 why my parents dont like this,i also dont like them,they dont like animals,they both are docotor and materlistic,money is everything for them.

give your answers in points like





5 god bless you all and will give you power,knowledge and beauty

philosophy honors 1 year student




  1. Ummm....All I can say is I honor you for your wonderful heart. As I felt somewhat the same way when I have been always prohibited to do something good during my teenage years as so it had seemed. But we all know in our hearts if it's a real good deed as you may feel so good about it. Doing good things like sharing what we can is a good food for our souls. That is why we feel better when we render help at times. Specially to those who really need it. Just follow your beautiful instincts..and try not be caught anymore. So there will be no hurt feelings from scoldings, avoiding awful grudges..Blessings to your heart dear friend. Hugs!

  2. Don't worry about your parents. They sound like they only care about themselves. If it makes you happy and you especially buying milk on your own, why should you feel guilty about doing good to others?

    Get your degree and move out! Just remember, its great to help, but don't overwhelm yourself with that, or you will wind up on the streets broke.  

  3. 1: You are honest, compassionate and aware.

    2. You are an Empathic soul who came to this earth to help all which encompasses.

    3.  I do not know how old you are, but you need to stay this way and not allow parents, society and so on to alter who you are.  This is what happens to many of us over time.  People become jaded in their thinking, they think the way society thinks and not for themselves.  This is called conforming to ideals of others.  

    4.  Your natural compassionate spirit pours out to the "least among us" and this is one of the reasons we exist.  Helping out our brothers and sisters.

    5.  Your parents have been blinded by money, allowing greed to become their God.  They do not understand your giving nature.  Their child is buried, the child who was loving, but as they matured society created jaded ways of thinking.

    Peace to you and remain your true self.  Do not worry about what other people think of who you are.  Do not conform to the ways of this world.  

  4. It is in giving that we receive  and it would be good for  your parents to learn from a wise child.  Honor your parents  and teach them well.  

  5. 1. Whatever you share with others, that will multiply into many.  When you give happiness by sharing your food, you happiness also multiplies.  I am sure your food will be taken care till ur end.

    2.  Since your parents are doctors, they may be cautioning you not to touch street dogs bcas of minutes viruses on animals.  I will they will not say anything if you bring your dog.  Though in your eyes, your parents are looks like a bad couple, parents will always contibute good things to children.  Discuss with them, you will get clarity

  6. 1) The human soul and mind is capable of both great evil and great good. It does feel wonderful to do charitable things, to know that you have made the world just a little bit better in your passing. Do not give up on this wonderful feeling. Never forget that while we can't change everything, we can't make the whole world better, every little action we do to make the world a little bit better is important and wonderful.

    2) No doubt your parents see your efforts as being 'a drop in the ocean', that you are wasting something you need (food, money) on a problem that will never really go away. So long as you only use your own money and tme, then simply nod and continue to do what you mean to do.

    3) The world is a harsh place with a bottomless need that you can't fill up no matter how much you give. Never stop giving, but be careful that you make sure that you have enough for yourself.

    4) If you really want to help stop the suffering of the stray dogs in your area, perhaps you can find or start an organization that will spay and neuter them, so that there won't be overpopulation that makes their lives much harder.

  7. 1) You feel good because you feel that you are helping them and that they appreciate the gesture.

    2) Your parents don't like this because they feel that you love these things more than you love yourself and them.

    3) The idea here is simple you must learn to appreciate the things you have and do no matter what others think and your parents must realize that you sharing your blessings with those that do not have as much or cannot fend for themselves is not a bad thing but yet another blessing.

    4)May GOD have pity on us all, and may he be as kind as you.

  8. trust me, if this makes you feel good, then you are doing no wrong so keep it up

    as for your parents, just ignore them. they are obviously to caught up in themselves to think about anything else.

    hope i helped! =]

  9. Everything sounds innocently pious with only one tiny problem. Your parents apparently right. You are an idiot.

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