
When i kick flip i dont stay over the board how do i?

by Guest10644  |  earlier

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also for tre flips




  1. if your landing behind it lean forward more.

    if its shooting out in front of you try flicking more off to the side insteade of straight at the nose.if your landing ata different angle than your board make sure your keeping your shoulders parralel to your board.also make sure your jumping straight up.

  2. keep ur body kind of centered or something lean forward maybe

    flick to the concave of the nose

    just watch for the board and stomp down

    when your doin tres..this is my fav trick

    i have a habbit of using my nose

    ihave my room for my foot

    i kinda put my foot like im gunna do a pressure flip or 360 pressure flip

    then i scoop like im gunna do one

    but i toss in a flick with my foot

    when i kick or flick i do it more a head of me than a kickflip like kinda to a corner

    yea so when i do them they come out pretty nice and i catch them

    now i have to learn to catch them front foot

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