
When i lay my 3 weeks old down to sleep

by Guest34461  |  earlier

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he starts grunting and kicking around... is that normal? i swadle him but i know im not chocking him with it.... he sops making these noises when i hold him.... but when i lay him down it starts....




  1. thats him adjusting to his digestive system. my baby did that for about 3 months. when you get a tummy ache and lay flat, you have some discomfort right? but when you curl up like he would be when you hold him, it feels better.

  2. He either has gas or he has acid reflux - or both.  Hold him upright after eating (on your shoulder or on your chest so he is upright like sitting) for 30 minutes after you feed.  Also burp him - you have to pat his back firmly until he burps.  My husband's family thought I was crazy for doing this, but seriously, sometimes he would fuss and fuss and (especially if he's arching his back it means he's trying to get gas out) then after we burped him for 20 minutes and changed his position several times, he'd let out this great big football team burp and calm down and sleep - sometimes it takes a lot to get that gas out.  By the time they start moving around on their own some they will start getting out their own gas - for now, burp him and hold him upright for 30 minutes (to prevent acid reflux).

    Here is a link how to burp him in case you don't know.  I know they don't do it in other cultures as much.

  3. Have you tried laying him down unswaddled? Not all babies like being swaddled, nor do they need to be; it's a preference. Most of the things babies do are completely normal and the important thing is not to get too focused in on one little thing so much that it causes you to stress about something that really isn't a problem . Just lay him down and give him a chance to go to sleep without interference. I remember when my first child was a newborn and sleeping in her crib in the room right next to me. I had the baby monitor turned right up. I was hearing every little noise she made and fussing and worrying so much I couldn't sleep. My Dad of all people was the one who said "Just turn off the monitor. She's right there and if she really needs you, you'll know". It was the best advice I got.  

  4. hi my 9 week does this also his done it from birth his not upset just grunting and kicking .i swaddled him from birth to about three weeks after about three weeks he started crying when i swaddled him and tried to free himself now he hates leaving blankets on himself so i place the top ive just took off me on top of him at bed time now his sleeping better still grunts a little but will fall off to sleep himself within 5 to 10 minutes

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