
When i left school i didnt leave with good grades and i married and had 2 wonderful?

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kids that are now 11 and 8. in the past i have suffered with agoraphobia after i had some bad life experiences, i tryed everything to egt rid of the anxiety and the only thing that worked was reflexology. I am now wondering about training to become one. My question is this i still have bad days about going out and because i didnt do well at school im not to sure if im to thick to train because i dont have a good memory and yet have lots of negativity, would you think it is aiming to high?




  1. you are absolutely not dreaming too high.  i know it sounds dumb - but remember that saying 'if you can dream it, you can do it'?....well it's true.  go for your dreams, if you start feeling negative find something that reminds you to stay positive (your beautiful children perhaps?)....and it's going to be hard, but you are obviously a very strong person and very capable of reaching your goals.  hey, you may not finish it right away, but think of how good it will feel to atleast know that you are working towards your dreams and goals!  you are a strong person, you can do it!!

    PS: maybe you could find a support group locally.  if not, im sure they would have all kinds of different support groups online that are just as nice!

    good luck!

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