
When i look for a betta, how can i tell its healthy?

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  1. get the ones in fish tanks and if you see it swimming around chasing other fish its healthy but if the pet store doesn't have those in the tanks shake the container just a little bit and if its moving alot its healthy

  2. The best way to tell it is healthy is to know what the common diseases look like, so you can spot which ones it has.  Sadly, a lot of pet stores have at least one disease per fish, it seems.  This site: has pictures of the various diseases, and armed with that you can go to a pet store and see which fish look like they don't have a disease.  Or you could always try aquabid, an online site that tends to sell healthy Betas, especially compared to pet stores.

    Other than that, make sure they are active, attentive to their surroundings, in clean water, and possibly building or have built a bubble nest.

  3. a healthy betta will be swimming round in a 5 gallon heated filtered quarium

  4. A healthy betta will swim around when you go and see it at the tank (or cup if its a male). When going to buy one, I suggest you get a smaller one, because they are younger and will be most active and live longer. The fins on a betta should not look choppy, and the color should not look faded.

  5. A healthy betta should be active, curious, with bright eyes and full fins and brightly coloured.

    Lethargic pale fish with tatty fins should be avoided unless you plan on demanding it for free and taking it home to cure and bring back to life which I have done on several occasions. Never pay for obviously sick fish out of sympathy!

  6. I have gotten almost all of my bettas at Walmart. They have them all sitting in those horrible little bitty plastic cups. I wave my hand in front of them and whichever one reacts, and that looks healthy, is it.

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