
When i m mexican i came to live U.S. and it okay to go visit pakistan or pakistan don't let me go back to U.S.

by  |  earlier

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don;t know




  1. Just my opinion, but I don't care where you're from I'd stay very far away from Pakistan.Not the most stable place to be right now.

  2. If I understand your question I believe that so long as you have a visa from the U.S.A. you can travel to Pakistan and returne to the U.S.A. if your Visa however is issued in Mexico then you may have to return to mexico before returning to the states but I am not sure of that.  You should contact the amercican embassy in Mexico or the Pakistani Embassy in the US and ask them.

  3. If you have a passport should be no problem.

    A Mexican in Pakistan? Why would you want to go there anyway. Christians are not welcome there, you might lose your head!!!

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