
When i m********e is this possible?

by  |  earlier

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I m********e in the family bathroom in the shower, sink, papertowel, toilet maily those places. Could any of my family members get pregnant from the sperm being in there? Like if they go in right after im done.





  1. Airborne sperm can only live a max of 15 seconds the time you clean up they are dead...

    Sperm can only create an egg to be fertilized if the sperm reaches the eg in less then  10 seconds otherwise the sperm will die because of the fight of other sperm..

    Hope you pic me,

  2. how about an actual source?

    they can live several hours, make sure to clean up

  3. Nope!

    Keep doin what you're doin...

  4. haha i always think about the same thing when im cleaning up but nah bro your cool cant get no one pregnant or std`d  

  5. no...sperm dies when it ia airborne. Ur good

  6. i highly doubt it unless they went in directly after you finish and they wiped themselves where you ejaculated.

  7. yep, your mother is having your baby

  8. nope. you're good bro

  9. You'll be fine.

  10. no you should be fine!  

  11. No not at all sir,

    As soon as sperm meets the air it dies

    It dies in nano seconds

    So when your masturbating all the sperm is dead when you release it on the towel, toilet etc..

    ~So happy masturbating~

  12. Nope, but ensure you clean up your "mess" or "leftover".

  13. no they can't for two reasons first it would have to be injected in them and secondly sperm does not live outside the body very long  

  14. be sure it all goes down the drain.. and don't get any on the toilet seat or on your hands before you operate the sink's k***s

  15. HiDrNick ... so funny!

  16. you shouldn't worry too much about that. It's very unlikely. Just make sure to clean up after yourself because it would not be very pleasant for any of your family members to come in contact with your s***n. AND contrary to popular belief sperm DOES NOT die as soon as air hits it, it CAN live outside of the body but has a limited lifespan.

  17. no

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