
When i pee.............

by  |  earlier

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um it pees like striaght and somtimes some drips and lands on the seat when i aim towards the middle of the toilet bowl or it lands on the ground... could this be taht i shot a load to big and now its jsut stretched? i do not have a forskin... so rule that out please .. not a joke




  1. well my thought is that you are probably masturbating and you haven't cleaned your p***s correctly. by that i mean, when you m********e, you obviously ejaculate and some of the sperm stays attached to the tip of your p***s causing your urine to shoot out awkwardly.

    what I suggest is to clean your self more often after masturbation.

  2. Maybe youre trying too hard because if you force it out and i mean REALLY force it out its going to go like a sprinkler. No pun intended.

  3. Almost certainly the expansion of the glans during masturbation has temporarily deformed the opening where the pee exits. In most guys the p***s takes a while to get back to its normal soft size. If all the blood has not yet left the glans it will remain a little more rigid than usual.  This can alter the relative position of the lips of the slit, so that a bit of sideways spin is given to the pee as it emerges.  To correct this, try to crack open the lips a little with your fingers just before you start to pee.

  4. whoooooo caaaareeeeeeeeeeeees justttt peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  5. Your urine is flowing fast.

    Relax, take your time.

    It shows that your prostate gland is really healthy, no obstruction at all there.



  6. it happens to me often and its nothing to worry about it happens too alot of guys  masturbation has nothing to do with it  , just clean up afterwards and make sure wee willie winkle is clean as well.

  7. i had the same problem you are peeing really hard just relax a little and it wont happen.

  8. probably just due to pressure built up from having to pee. dont worry about it. you are far from being the only guy who has this problem. if you need someone helpful to talk to, instant message me. i will help if i can. good luck.

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