
When i pet my rat, it looks like she starts chewing the air, why?

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i have two rats-one is named piff and ive had her for 3 months, awesome rat. the other is renny, i got her 3 wks ago and when ever i pet her she starts chewing the air . piff doesnt do this. she is not a mean rat, very docile. they both get along with each other. i couldnt ask for better pets.




  1. What you're describing sounds like bruxing. If she's not displaying any signs of stress than she's doing it because she likes it when you pet her. Sounds like you love your rats and they love you back!

    Good luck and congrats on the ratties!

  2. I agree will Billy. Shes probably bruxing or chattering her teeth. Dont be worried its a good thing! IT means shes happy.

  3. It could be tickleish.

    Check the skin for dryness or flakes like dandruf and also check for fleas.

    You might simply put a little mineral on the area and see if that doesn't stop it, it is harmless and will tell you if your rat has a dry skin condition in which case, continue with the mineral oil treatment.

  4. Quite odd behavior, I think its just a natural reaction, like when you pet a cat by its rear it sticks its rear up

  5. Rats can have very different personalities.  It might mean it is enjoying the attention.

  6. By chewing the air do you mean grinding her teeth kind of sound? It's called bruxing. They do this to keep their teeth from overgrowing, and when they are content (much like a cat purring when you pet them)

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