
When i punch air it feels weak and uncontroled.?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, sometimes i play around and punch the air but it feels like im just swinging my arms, but when i punch a punching bag it feels stronger and more accurate. I doubt im weak im maxing my bench at like 230 lbs+ and you wouldent beleive me if i told you my height+weight. But it just feels really slopy when im just like practising, is this normal? Just some additional info, i've taken kickboxing, karate, and some kenjutsu, all together i have about 1-2 years of actual formal training. But i've been messing around with the stuff myself for about 10 years or so.




  1. It's only because you're not hitting something.  It feels stronger and more accurate when you hit something because there's something to stop your hand.  I've punched the air multiple times and I know what you mean.  The punch just feels better when you hit something.

  2. Well, I agree with nascarkpd on this one. By the way, is the head issue a constant thing everytime you're punching?

  3. When you are punching air go to a back hand move like you were popping a towel, it will fill like your hitting someting solid.

  4. Well when you punch the air it obviously would feel weak because you're not hitting anything and there isn't another force to oppose yours. It's not really supposed to feel strong anyways because its like your shadowboxing if you're punching the air.

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