
When i put my puppy in his crate he crys ?

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how can i stop this.




  1. You know how when you put little kids to bed they throw a tantrum, or some just cry "Mommy! I want a glass of water!" and stall stall stall until they've run out of things? Mommies who don't give in usually have less of a problem than the mommy who goes and gets the water, the teddy bear, the blankie, etc. You get the picture. He's just protesting. He doesn't like it yet. It's strange, and he's alone, and he can't be with you. Just toss a couple toys in there and if he's very young, a ticking clock. And go get some earplugs, because this will go on for probably a few more weeks. But gradually he'll quiet down faster, and eventually he'll start to see it as his safety place. Heck it's the first place my dog heads when she's caught doing something bad, and she used to try to chew the walls off. As they say: this, too, shall pass.

  2. Your puppy cries because he wants to be out to see whats going on in your world. I found that if you put your puppy in the crate and cover it up he is then in his on little world and he want cry. When they can still see whats going on from inside the crate, it makes him want to be out with you and everyone else.

  3. my puppy did the exact same thing.

    you have to put the crate where she cant see you and leave it there. Don't yell back or comfort the dog while its in the cage crying.

    if he/she doesnt stop barkin or whining, take her out for a pee but dont make eye contact. then immediately put the dog back in the crate.

    it sounds harsh, but we had an EXPENSIVE i might add, trainer in who told us that and it really works. Its sad, but you have to get the dog to realize that this behaviour is not okay.  

  4. Okay, she says cautiously.  Your puppy needs to get used to the idea that being crated is not a punishment, it's a nice safe den.  You need to introduce him to his crate, leaving the door OPEN to start with.  His bed and toys should be in there so he starts to get the idea that this is his personal space.  It's all new and strange, and he's only a baby.  He needs lots of reassurance. And when it comes to having to be shut in overnight, he needs to do all his business first, have some extended playtime so he's pretty worn out, and then he goes into his bed - not his cage, his bed.  The light is turned off, and the house goes quiet (hopefully!).  He may well complain, and he may well complain loudly, but you have to harden your heart and ignore it.  He should give up eventually and settle down.  But be prepared for some interrupted nights for a while until his routine is established.  Stick with what you require of him and all will be well.  Having a puppy is hard work but it will be for the good in the end.

    Good luck

  5. he cries cuz u locked him in a cage give him a treat and he will get over it

  6. Take him out. You would cry too if someone stuffed you in a crate.

  7. Of course he cries.

    You ignore him.

    Hes not hurt, hes just upset.

    You leave him in there until its time to come out (or if hes in there for a long time and its time for a pee break)

    You give him lovin's and a treat.

    And you put him back in when its time to go back in.

    If he knows that the more he whines you eventually break in, you will NEVER train him.

    Add: Make sure he has got a blanket for warmth and a stuffed toy with him. Possibly even a chew bone. This should help him relax. Ive never used the clock idea but try it if it will help.

  8. Just let the pup cry; he'll get used to it.  Just like when you have kids and they cry when they have to go to bed.  

  9. he will eventually stop.   he just has to get used to it. DO NOT take him out when he cries, if you do he will see if he cries long enough you will take him out.  

  10. Easy don't lock your puppy in a crate only do it when completely necessary. That's mean you sure as h**l wouldn't appreciate it.

  11. it helps to put an old t-shirt or sweatshirt in there with him. It must smell like you though. also, you can buy a ticking clock. you know...the ones that you have to wind up. wrap the clock in a small blanket or t-shirt.....the muffled ticking reminds them of their mom's heartbeat.  

  12. Wait it out.  They might cry at first, but they will settle down.  I keep the crate where the puppy can see me and be reassured, and at night I leave a night light on for the puppy so they can see me when they wake up.  You might put a blanket over the crate to make it dark if they are crying when you are eating.

  13. Every puppy does. But you can get him use to being in his crate by setting a timer for 5 minutes sticking him in there and telling him crate time. when the 5 minutes is up if he is quite then let him out and tell him good boy. If his is crying then tell him its ok and wait until he stops. Do that frequently through out the day and he will get use to his crate!

    Best of Luck!

  14. All puppys do that they just have to get used to it.

  15. Of course he's going to cry until he gets used to it. Just ignore him and DO NOT acknowledge it or let him out...that is what he wants.

    You can put a wind-up (tick-tock) clock outside of the crate. Some say that it reminds them of the heartbeats of their mother and litter-mates.

    You can also try covering the crate (enough so he can't see you, but gets good ventilation).

    Good luck!

  16. Leave him in there and ignore him for a while. it sounds mean, but it's worth it in the end

  17. Aw my pup used to be horrible at this, especially at night when he was all alone. You can take a watch or a clock and put it in one of his stuffed toys if he has one, it will sound like a heartbeat and make him a little less lonely. Remember pups aren't used to sleeping alone, but with their siblings and mother. Otherwise, you'll just have to ignore him. Sad I know, but he just has to get used to it.

  18. Just let him be.  However, dont ignore it all the time.  If he was just outside to go to the bathroom, etc. and he is just crying he may be lonely or not want confined in it.  If he whimpers and its been a while, could have to go out again.

  19. Try some positive association.

    Throw some treats into his crate with one or two special toys - these lure him into the crate on his own.

    The first few times, sit close by when you put him in, but don't look at him. Just act normally and let him sit in there for 5" until he calms down.

    Once he's quiet, open the door and give him a lot of praise. And repeat. Do this a few times throughout the day and for the rest of the week, gradually extending his length of stay and distancing yourself physically from the crate until he can stay in there for longer periods of time.

    Dogs learn through repetition, positive association and what they read on your face. Keep all three in mind when training your little guy to get used to his crate.

    Good luck!

  20. well he's a puppy usually puppies are to small to be alone in a small place by them selves. Its better if u get a puppy basket cover it in a blanket and then put it by ur bed. good luck!

  21. Ignore him.  He will stop when he stops getting a reaction.

  22. How old is the puppy?

    Try giving it a toy or a blanket. Or you can try giving it a hot water bottle and a ticking clock so it feels like its not alone. Make sure the hot water bottle is sealed and get get chewed open. This is something that you may just have to get used to. Also, try playing a radio very softly for it.  

  23. If he has been to the potty, is full from eating and drinking, and has been played with enough to wear him out a little then he is just crying because he does not want to be alone and he knows that crying will get your attention. If all of his needs have been met then perhaps you could try covering the cage with a lightweight blanket or sheet to make the crate more den like so that he will feel more secure and even more sleepy. Also, you have to stop letting him out when he cries or you will never be able to break him from it. Maybe you should put him in another room and close the door so it doesn't make you feel so guilty.

    Please remember however, puppies need to go out often because of their small bladders. They also need a lot of play time and rest time. Crate training is a good idea, as long as you only use it when you need to.

    Good Luck

  24. the thing i did wrong was jumping to every single puppy cry coz i tought is was humane thing to do.i bought my book too late and found out that u should take care that ur puppy got everything he needs, and just let him cry, dont jump on it.its nothing wrong with the pup, i know its heart breaking but puppy will learn that nothing can be solved with wining and crying, and that will save u quite a trouble in the future.i read that in a book, a bit too ,tho

    great book, by bruce fogle

  25. ignore him, he needs to get used to being locked up sometimes and not having your attention all the time. He will stop when he finds out he wont get his way.

    I have a funny feeling Gary will have very badly behaved dogs.

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