
When i recycle plastics,do i need to remove the labels on the bottles and do i need to rinse the plastics out?

by  |  earlier

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When i recycle plastics,do i need to remove the labels on the bottles and do i need to rinse the plastics out?




  1. It is not necessary.  Just place them as is in the recycling bins.

  2. next they will have us melting it down into little cubes for them too. They need to use the money they make off collecting this trash to invent something that doesnt pollute. I was shocked when I learned how much is made off of recycled items, yet our garbage bill doesnt go down one bit. The owner of the dump just gets richer. Our government needs to rethink this plan.

  3. I always rinse them so they won't attract bugs while I collect them.

    Other than that, they just have to be empty.

  4. It is suggested that you throw away the container lids, rinse the containers out, and crush them (if possible) before tossing them into your recycling bin or taking them to a recycling center. However, it's not necessary to remove any plastic or paper labels.

    Also, in case you were unaware, each recyclable plastic container has a number on the bottom, called the resin ID code. The most common are #1 and #2. To make recycling as efficient as possible, make sure you know which types your community recycling pickup or local recycling center accepts, and only donate those kinds.

    Additionally, know that not only simple plastic containers can be recycled. If you look around for that resin ID code on many items, you may be surprised to know that plastic bowls and cups, CD and DVD cases and spindle boxes, prescription bottles, cosmetics containers, shopping bags, and even Tic Tac containers can be recycled.

  5. no they just have to be empty not necessarily rinsed out and the labels can stay on

  6. When you recycle you do not need to remove the lables. You should rinse the bottles out so that they do not have any thing in them it prevents bugs from getting in the bottles.

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