
When i see nice girls, i never talk to them because i just dont know what to say. help please..?

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ok here are some situations..

At the ice rink

at a random street

at the park

Thanks for looking




  1. Lots of people think that guys have to make "the first move", which must be pretty hard for most men... because lots of guys are shy! First of all, if you see a nice girl, smile at them. Chances are, they'll probably smile back, and if they do, walk up to them, say hi, and ask them a question about themselves. For example, at the ice rink you might say, "So do you come here to skate a lot?", or at the park you could just talk to her about a beautiful day, or her plans for the weekend, or if she has a dog, talk to her about it. Also, most girls love it when you compliment them. Tell her she has a great smile, or beautiful hair. Also, the websites below might give you some tips too. I hope everything check out some of the sites I listed in my sources - they should help you. And don't forget to smile ;D !

  2. Lollipop said it all.

    Good luck.

  3. that is not a problem,actually  you just give a simple smile and don't be too look very strict .

    you are a very good man I insist.keep it wishes.

  4. Man I understand your situation,its hard at the beginning, but with practice you will learn!  "At the park"! just be bold enough and approach her, look confident and sound confident, don't think about your fear's  just feel confident about what you are saying, ask the basic questions about, name,work, intrests etc. Talk about youself dont reveal too much! try to find out some of the intrest you both share, that should be you focus point once you strike a similarity, never show signs of being nervous, even if you feel so, act confident and keep in character, you are bound to win your audience!!

  5. OK here's the thing....girls hate cheesy come on lines and guys who come on too confident or too strong. I think the best way to approach a girl is to just walk up to her  smile and say hi. You can tell her your name and and maybe say you noticed her and wanted to say hello. If she is interested in talking to you more, you will be able to tell. If she doesn't give you the time of day then you will know she isn't interested, and you probably don't want to know her anyway. Good luck!

  6. Guys need confidence. That's what girls look for in guys is confidence. You have to be confident and talk to them. Maybe even start with a simple hi or hello. Maybe talk about your interest to them. A simple conversation can turn out to be so much more. So don't be afraid if you see a nice girl, just talk to her you never know what might happen.  

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