
When i shave my legs why do i get cut so much?

by  |  earlier

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every time no matter what i do! ive tried it in the shower and out of the shower. i use shaving cream too. it hasnt always been like this...just this year i think ive been getting SO many painful cuts and my legs get red and raw. same thing happens to my bikini line. what am i doing wrong?




  1. You can always go a little lighter on the razor, or maybe its to sharp for your skin, but if that doesn't work i suggest that you just use nair or something else razor less!

  2. put hair conditioner on yer leg,

    and use soap and water.

    try to get a razor with a moisture strip on it.

  3. you need to make sure that you are yusig a fresh razor as this is the most common reason for cutting when shaving.. it ofetn hurts more as well as you cut yourself with a blunt edge ratehr thatn a steight one.

    you should also try exfolationa and a hair condition rather that shaving cream as it is less expencive and also tends to work better.

    for an all out better shave try using a mans rar as they are designed for the face the quiality is much better,

  4. 1) Try getting a new razor, my legs do that with the cheap ones and even some of the expensive ones but there are good razors out there.

    2) Perhaps use some hair conditioner in the place of shaving cream.

    3) To make the skin smoother use lotion (not while shaving just in general.

    4. Be careful, take your time, and rather then shaving really hard (with a lot of pressure) just go easy and over more then once if need be

    5. Make sure you have good lighting and plenty of room to move around and shave carefully.

    6. Do it with running water (in the shower.

    Good Luck!!!!!!

  5. what is happening is that your skin its very sensitive, and it also depends of the way you shave , you should shave the oposite way the hair grows . and it also depends of the type of razor you use and do not shave often , try to shave every 5 days , so you can allow hair to grow more and it would be less painful , it also helps to avoid in-grow hair which can infect and cause rash .

    try shaving with the instant shaving cream , Nair leave it like 6 mins and then remove hair with towel . that would be less painful .  

  6. try what i do-

    in the shower wih the water running. i use conditioner because it softens hair really well, making it easier to shave. only use a razor for up to a week if you have a manual. hope this helps!  

  7. Try using an electric razor before you shower so the hair is short when you shave.  Always use new razors, Intuition razors have a thick moisturizer pad that may help.  After showering/shaving apply (this is going to sound odd) an unscented stick deodorant to any areas that feel tender after contact with your razor.  It has a calming effect and over time you will no longer need to use it.  Good luck!  :o)

  8. WHO knows what your doing wrong to be honest i never shave my legs hair never grows on them and as for the bikikni area cant help you there either cause i rarely have to do anything down their either the doctors say its better natural anyway you have hairs down there for a reason you know girls shouldnt remove it unless your very very very hairy then thats a prolem!

  9. 1)  Exfoliate.  The night before you shave your legs use a body scrub or those exfoliating gloves (what I use) with some body wash - that will take any dead skin off and any little hairs/stubble "hiding" under the skin will pop up over night.

    2)  When you shave, use a really cheap hair condition (one for dry/damaged hair).  That will help to soften the hair and will also condition the skin.  I'm suggesting a cheap one because often times they have more oils which is good for shaving but not always so good for the hair on your head (the stuff weighs your hair down).

    3)  Use a sharp razor and (this one is hard for me) DO NOT press the blade into/against your skin.  Let the blade glide over the top of your skin (more like sliding your finger over ice than like buttering a piece of bread).

    4)  Witch Hazel.  After you shave, splash witch hazel on your skin - it will help to soothe/soften the skin.

    Good Luck!

  10. try something more slippery, like baby oil or a rich conditioner, and use a really sharp, fresh razor. maybe you've just got a heavy grip and need to ease up a little? don't try to get it all in one swipe, go over areas with light strokes, and go extra slow over tricky areas like the ankles and knees

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