
When i started my comp it gave me this blue screen it told me about these bios update and contacting the?

by  |  earlier

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the techs. And i am using my comp now it happend today at 9:00 a.m. my bro is stupid and goes to flash games and plays all games that have viruses in them.




  1. BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) happens normally with H/W failure or important OS files being tampered with. I'll agree with the dude above me, give him a guest account so that he may not install anything on your computer. Using Firefox is also a good idea, although I'm not sure if it would help with BSOD..

    Go to your computer vendors site & check if they have any updates for your computer.

    Also update your Windows on a regular basis..M$ has new updates this month, about 8 of them are critical.. (Seems like XP is on life support reporting multiple organ failure)

    Rule of the thumb, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    Get the Windows updates & check your computer vendors site if they have updates for BIOS etc, also check if the BIOS update is worth it..

  2. Could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This  problem can be solved by uninstalling new softwares, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes . From . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

  3. A one worded answer would be "Linux", but here's what you can do. If your computer works now, that is. First of all, download a trial of Kaspersky Internet Security and do a full computer scan to remove any viruses and spyware. Second, use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. Third, set a password for your account so your brother can't use your computer.

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