
When i swallow ihere a squirt sound?

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is that normal could it belife threatning? im18 male i think my cartridge srank or changed shape in neck is ti possible?




  1. NO IT IS NOT life threatening. It is our throat or muscle in it that some how twist because of too much force but nothing much unless you felt something unusual then consult your doctor, if none then don't worry about a thing.

    ALL PEOPLE do hear a sound when they swallow, believe me YOU ARE NOT ALONE, in hearing s squirt sound when you swallow a lot of people do.

  2. Are you the same guy who kept posting that he thought he was going to die?    If so, you seem to have an absolute obsession with your throat, and haven't died yet, so you may be better off if you get professional help because of your obsession.

    As you haven't died yet, it doesn't seem as serious as you think.

    What do you think, when you swallow something there should be absolute silence?     I always hear something when I swallow, it would be unusual not to, as the throat has a connection to the ears, to balance air pressure, that's why your ears sometimes "pop," when you yawn.  

    This is all in your head, and you will never get better until you realize that you need help--counseling.

  3. ive hears that all my life, im still alive

  4. I'd like to know what you're swallowing. Or are you just spitting?

  5. lol i think everybody hears this!!

  6. I hear that too... I think it's pretty normal ... the little glands that release spit.. are doing their job!  

  7. I always hear that noise when i swallow but if u really think its a problom go to a ENT (ear nose and throat doctor)

  8. Yeah, it's weird. I have the same problem, but it started a couple years ago. I think it was from me ejaculating so much, since I didn't have the problem before I started doing that.

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