
When i take my parallel parking test does they guy get in the car whith me while doing it or no?

by  |  earlier

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or he just watch me from outside




  1. He will be in the car with you the whole time, watching your every move.

  2. Because you have a "Learner's" licence, you may not drive any vehicle without a fully licenced driver beside you, so the answer is "yes".

    Another tip........turn off your cell phone before you begin your test. It might ring, distract you, which might cause you to become anxious and make an mistake......and if you answer it, of course you'd all, both hands must be on the wheel, right?

  3. The examiner is in the car with you throughout the test, from start to finish.

  4. The instructor will be inside the car from start to finish. Rule of thumb: Turn your radio off before he gets in the car. So many people don't & they get off to a bad start before they even leave the parking lot.  I got my license in Ohio, late in my life, & there was no such thing as the parallel parking. It was now called maneuverability & it was so much easier. Cones were used & depending on whether he told the person to go left or right, the car goes up to a certain cone, then they back up to the point of origin without hitting a cone. I got it on the first try because I practiced for a while, & did it going both left & right. So much easier than the old way.  Take a deep breath before you begin, try to relax, & do exactly as the instructor tells you. Remember what you read in the book and/or Driver's Ed......  Good luck!!!

  5. Guess it depends on the state and the trooper giving the test but mine was right beside me in the seat when i did mine. The city I lived in at the time had almost no parallel parking so he wasn't to concerned about my being perfect at that part of the test.

  6. The instructor will be in the car with you.

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