
When i try 2 make my self puke it doesn't work?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so my friend and I just ate some eggs (I know it’s late but we were hungry) and sum milk and then we threw out the containers and now we are in pain. And one of them I'm guessing was expired. So my friend just made herself throw up and she said she feels better now, so I’m trying, and trying, and it won’t work. The only thing that comes up is flemmy stuff. And ill probably throw up within the next hour, but its talking a while. Does any1 know why I can't throw up?




  1. I've tried it once, because I ate too much peanut butter lol. If you can't after a while, stop, this sounds dangerous. Take medicine, drink tea or go to sleep so that your stomach settles and stop making yourself barf.

  2. In Soviet Russia, vomit has trouble puking YOU out!

  3. you stick your fingers waaaay back and touch the dangly thingy then youll gag keep doing it till you throw up

  4. Don't make yourself throw up! Take some sort of medicine and lay down.

    Get some ginger ale or crackers to try and cal your stomach.

    I ate something that was expired a couple of months ago and I felt the same way. I had ginger ale and crackers and it made me feel better. (lol it works wonders for morning sickness too lol)

  5. i had the exact same problem except i was in a hostel in spain and i was like **** i got food poisening and i just couldn't do it - i heard a toothbrush works

    i hope you feel better

  6. No, thats why its called food poisoning.

    If your symptons get worse you need to see a doctor. Making yourself throw up is very dangerous too. If you are worried about it, call the local hospital to see what they suggests. Usually you can get some pepto bisma or somethign to settle your stomach.

  7. If you are really worried about it go to the hospital. If it was bad, you will naturally throw up.

    I'm not giving advice on puking... just in case.

  8. You might not have a gag reflex that is as effective. Don't's not necessarily a bad thing. Try taking a drop of ipecac otherwise you should probably go to the hospital because you might have food poisoning. They will give you some meds to make it go away faster. But the 2nd day is usually h**l. Hope you feel better soon!

  9. I don't think making your self throw up is very healthy.

    If y'all are afraid to gain weight, just workout for a good

    30 minutes, I Rather see someone eat a bag of chips and

    workout after it then too see someone throw it up.

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