
When i try to control my dream my dream start spinning out of control help what does it mean?

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when im dreaming i try to control my dream but every time i try to control it my dream start spinning out of control and i feel like my soul is going out of my body so i had to focus my mind to wake me up and its hard to wake up sometimes my other eye can see my room and the other eye can still see the spinning dream. help me i really want to control my dream but what does that spinning means?




  1. 2 things I can think of, either your experiencing a spiritual out of body experience or and illusion of the dream world extended to your own sense. It is possible that the need or desire to control your subconscious is making it fight back in a defensive manner by creating the spinning. It is also possible that even though you feel you want control part of you is sabotaging you by setting up a blockade (spinning) in order to keep you from attaining control.

    The out of body experience is not to be discounted. some people have had accounts of this phenomenon occurring and others have said to control such a feat and use it to their advantage. But ultimately it could simply be an odd reaction to your consciousness trying to enter then dream state and throwing your whole sleep brain rhythm haywire.

    Try researching out of body experience and see if this follows your spinning soul wrenching dreams.

    Good luck to you.

  2. I am no expert or anything but I think you want control of a bad situation and you get corrupted by this lust for control and the world in which your dream is just gets torn apart because of this and then you must have control which makes you wake up after the spinning and "half" dream. Just a guess but don't take my word entirely for it.

  3. You need to learn to control your need to control.  You are taking your issues to bed with you and not letting your mind do its work.

    There is control that is good and there is control that is bad.  You are trying to hard.  For just a couple of nights just make up your mind to let go.  Before bed pray, meditate, think positive thoughts what ever to prepare for sleep and approach sleep quietly and with calm.

    If you pray ask for protection and faith.  One prayer that resonated with me was, "Lord I believe, Help me in mine unbelief"  This not only is a prayer it is a signal to your brain that you are letting go and letting it play.  Even if you realize you are dreaming take on an attitude of curiosity and wonder.  Look, listen and learn.

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