
When i wanted him he never took care of that am away he wants me.finally i decided to drift.m i wrong?

by  |  earlier

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we have beein in a relation for nearly 4yrs,and everythin was fine initially...but as time passes everythin was going wrong..he has male ego..he started to abuse,doubt,etc..i waited n tried explaining him that m his n he dosent have to worry about it..he then asked me not to go out with my own cousins and family coz he cant take it..i said ok..later he said i dnt want u to hav this..i gave up everything..even then he never changed so i decided to drift..n i made it clear to him n did inform him about my decission.he keeps calling me...n sits in front of my house..i just ignore...this behaviour of his is hurting me...was it my mistae to drift??

now my parents are seeing for matches...

nw i dont understand if i hav to tel d guy about my affair or not??kindly help...





  1. Leave him, he is a freaking psycho ...

  2. yes u r wrong means since u drifted he could realise ur importance. Now once he is realising u must giv him a chance. If he still continues the same way then u may finally packup. "Forgiveness is the noblest revenge."

  3. he doesn't need to know what is going on in your life you give up everything for him and its good that you drift away from him don't talk to him not worth it your time you where trying to explain to him before and i did not work so it is his own fault  

  4. He NEEDS psychological doctros help yelse he will turn into a cold blooded pscezophremic( i know i hv spelt wrong ..never mind) killer !

  5. Yes tell your mother first and she can tell your father too. You made a very good decision by drifting apart from a guy who if you had married would have been a lot of trouble. Take care and dont give in to this guy no matter what he says or does.

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