
When i was in school, my teacher came up to me and he was constantly winking at me and i didn;t?

by  |  earlier

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why and after that he told me that i'm such a good student? i find that weird.




  1. It could go either way: the way the teacher acted could just be his way or it could have meant something different....  But, always follow your instincts and beware if he makes you feel uncomfortable.

  2. Could be weird.  Hard to really tell based on the context that you give.  If you're asking was he coming on to you, I don't think that there's necessarily a way to say that.  he could have genuinely meant that you were a good student.  If you were uncomfortable with it, you should have let him know that, and if it persisted, then that would be an issue.  I've winked at students before, generally as a way to just let them know I'm joking about something.  Don't really know what else to say.

  3. he probably thinks just that; you're a good student. if  more serious things happen, i would be suspicious.

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