
When i was running i thought i was going to pass out..why?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, i didnt eat anything before i ran, so that could be why i felt sick.But this is my first time running track,and i need to know how i can prepare before meets. What to eat,sleep,ect.

thank you




  1. first off, make sure you have water..even when your not running. eat a good lunch in school, sometimes what the school serves doesn't really cut it (I bring in an extra snack, for lunch and before and after practice).Seeing as you need food to fuel your activity. Banana's, oranges,strawberries, granola, apples, etc. Carbs are good as well. Sleep, get a regular nights worth. best of luck, have fun. :-)

  2. number one, you have to eat before you run. don't make that mistake again. a great small snack to eat before you run is a banana. or a banana with peanut butter. the banana will give you fuel and potassium (which can help prevent cramping). the peanut butter is good protein. that will keep you strong.

    you could try toast with peanut butter. carbs and protein.

    oatmeal is a highly valued pre-run food by runners. lots of energy.

    sleep 8 hours.

    if you are well rested, well fed, and if you keep up with practice, you would feel light headed anymore.

  3. you had no energy lack of food and you were probably dehydrated. i am in the army and before my pt tests, the night before i will eat a light meal of noodles or something like that, i would force hydrate. in the morning i will take a few ibuprofin to make it easier to work through the pain. and i will drink half a monster and eat a power bar about an hour and a half before the test.

    oh get a good nights sleep too. in basic the drill sergeants told us that if we didnt feel like we were going to vomit during a pt test, than we are not trying hard enough

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