
When i was running outside my head was beating what is this called?

by  |  earlier

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I would really like to know, if something is wrong with me and if that is usually or not.




  1. I don't think there is a specific name for it but its just your heart working extra hard to get oxygen to your brain and your hearing your heartbeat.  Its nothing to be concerned about, it happens to me when im working out harder than normal, If you got lightheaded and the workout normally doesn't make you feel like that then you may want to rest or even see a doctor if you are concerned about high blood pressure or something, this is normal tho.

  2. nothing is wrong with you it happens to me every once in a while. you are just hearing your pulse in your head this happens when you are having a hard workout. sometimes you can hear your pulse in other parts of your body like you neck. hope this helps

  3. you were having a stroke.

  4. My head beats sometimes when i run also

    Its normal dont worry about it

    I actually like the beating feeling lol

  5. your blood pumping through your head, it happens top me too

    i actually think it's pretty cool =]

    but nothing's wrong i dont think

  6. o. thats a disease,

    you will die in a few days.

    good luck!

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