
When i went snorkling in montego bay it was pretty kool but when i got back on the boat i felt weird?

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i felt heavy and dizzy, can anyone tell me what can i do so i wont fell like that. I was thinking maybe the salt water had something to do with that but i just want to make sure.




  1. it can be from a couple of factors, one could be your breathing pattern you could have been breatheing unregularly making you dizzy and more tired. Or you could have just been doing it too long, making you tired and out of breathe. I just suggest taking 10 min breaks maybe every 15-30 minutes

  2. Lack of oxygen and while floating around your equilibrium adjusts to the water, when you get out it has to readjust. Kind of like when you go on the merry go round real fast and get off and can't walk straight.

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