
When i went to go get results were negative, but why did i have to get a shot in my buttocks?

by  |  earlier

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i got tested for std/hiv..i'm negative..but i got a shot in the butt , both cheeks ..




  1. most likely because if you indulge the risky behaviors that can lead to std, the doctor gave you a shot to cover eventuality... in other words, he saved you a trip in case cultures came back that grew out a treatable infection.

  2. why would you let someone give you a shot and not know what it was for? never let anything happen to you that you do not know 100% all about it.

  3. Better safe than syphilitic.

  4. You probably were given a good dose of Penicillin as a precautionary action, as some times tests can be wrong!

    Just be glad you checked out OK!

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