
When i workout on my elliptical where am i losing the weight?

by Guest61997  |  earlier

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I'm trying to get a flat stomach and at first i thought that the elliptical would help but I'm not quite sure where I'm losing weight




  1. When you exercise, fat is burned from all areas of your body more or less evenly - you can't target specific areas. That being said, fat is burned from some areas faster than others, but that's just natural and can't be regulated or changed (it depends on your body type, structure, etc.).

  2. your legs will prolly get toned but my HS gym teacher told me that you will lose fat from the last place it was stored.  

  3. Whenever we lose weight, we are losing weight all over.  It doesn't matter what sort of diet or what sort of exercise.  Weight loss happens all over the body.

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