
When i worry, feel stressed or simply bored i feel nauseous. i think im pyschosomatic. what could i do?

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When i worry, feel stressed or simply bored i feel nauseous. i think im pyschosomatic. what could i do?




  1. Let us find out what worry is.We want everything to be in our advantage but things are different.We are different within ourselves.Unless difference is resolved,worry never leaves us.

  2. Hello,

    The good news is that you can't be psychosomatic.

    Psychosomatic means that the mind affects the body. This is in most cases the most normal thing that can happen. When faced with a threat, then our hearts should beat faster; our breathing rate should increase; our palms should sweat; the soles of our feet should perspire; our pupils should dilate; the adrenal glands (which ride along happily on top of our kidneys) should pump adrenaline into our bodies-- this is where the nausea comes from.

    The thing with our minds is that they can't tell the difference between an actual physical threat; or a threat that isn't actual. When we watch a scary tv show, or a good horror movie and are drawn into the plot- we can right there watching. When the bad guy/monster jumps out, we freak- because our minds can't tell the difference (for that moment anyway), between a real threat, or fiction. Then when we find ourselves laughing at our reactions, all is normal, and calm returns to our systems.

    So what you are feeling under stress and at other times is a normal bodily reaction to your mind's perceptions of stress.

    It's not easy to lessen the reaction. But the reaction can also make especially ladies feel nauseous and give them trouble with diarrhea.

    If you are having difficulty with the strong responses of your body to stressors, (even boredom can cause stress, it's normal to feel that way), then a program to increase general relaxation in your body will help.

    Also, people who are quite reactive to stress can generally have more emotional energy than the average person. This is not a weakness. But it can be harnessed and turned into a strength. Art- drawing, even abstract stuff; poetry and song lyrics- writing and drawing can help you channel your emotional energy, which can reset the strength of reactions to stress. It will also give you something to do when you are bored.

    Sport and physical activity, even a walk, can promote a balancing effect in your body, relieving physical symptoms caused by stress.

    Strong feelings can be a sign of holding in emotions, unmet needs or can be a sign that you need to find a way to release. Releasing your feelings through squeezing a spongy ball; through poetry; art; singing; pounding a pillow; writing in a diary, talking with a friend- whatever you find works for you- that will also help overall relieving stress reactions.

    I hope you find relief soon.  

  3. Like the guy above said (and this is probably the simplest part of his answer but it can do wonders), a good outlet for the outward expression of your emotions (if it is making you feel too nervous and tied up inside) is to use the squeezy ball thing or something like it -- those things really work!  Use that, or a pillow, or clap (if you're by yourself, otherwise you might look... well.. ya know!).  Some people even use someone elses hand if the other person really doesn't mind (but I wouldn't recommend it.. this is from experience, I've almost broken someone's hand before.. holding it while freaking out at a movie!  LOL) A good rule of thumb is soft mushy things can get squeezed and usually don't break, and the action doesn't cause a scene / a lot of noise... plus, you get a physical outlet for those nerves and tension building up inside!

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