
When i write in word 2007 and want to go onto the next line it drops by 2?

by  |  earlier

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  1. hold shift

  2. Page layout then spacing to alter it.

  3. Hi there - at the top of the page where it shows all of the letters, it says Normal, No Spacing, Heading 1 etc.  By default when it is on normal it will drop two lines.  If you select No Spacing it should only drop down to the next line for you.  It took me ages to work this out too!  Hope that helps ya!

  4. Either you are in double spacing or you are mistaking double spacing for what is the default spacing in 2007 1.15. On the Home Menu, click on the arrow to the side of the paragraph icon which will open paragraph properties box and change the line spacing to 1 and the spacing before and after paragraphs to 0 and hit the default button and in future it should be OK. For your existing document, simply highlight all text (Ctrl A), Ctrl1 to change to single spacing, or right button of mouse, down to paragraph, change the line spacing there and also the spacing between paragraphs.

  5. Word is a word processor; that means that pushing "Enter" starts a new paragraph, which - by default - has more space above it.

    Hold down the Shift key when you push enter to simply start a new line inside a paragraph.

  6. Choose single spacing or use shift + enter to go to the next line without spacing.

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