
When icome in saudi arabia?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Ask..Answer..Discover

    thanks for the 2 points :-)

  2. Tamoor, since you signed in with Yahoo Answers (today) you asked 2 questions and both do not make any sense at all. Please think before you ask just for the heck of it.;...

    Y/A is not an instrument to entertain each other. It's meant to help people out who are searching for real answers.

  3. could u plz be just a bit clearer . thx :)

  4. yes, in this world only two people knows when you came to saudi arabia. that is you and God. but the question is why you came to saudi arabia in 1997 and how much did you make upto now?

  5. after seeing your other question from the link "h" posted up there.. I should warn you..

    Yahoo answers staff moniters posts periodically and they can and might send you a violation notice for not posting a clear question..

    Like "h" says.. just random postings out of boredom here is not tolerated.. You need to be clear about what you are asking..  

  6. not that clear question.

  7. WHAT?!?!

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