
When im bench pressing, the joint in my elbow hurts when i bring the bar down to my chest??

by Guest33382  |  earlier

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what could this be, and what can i do to get rid of it?





  1. seems like you just have bad joints. i have horrible knees so whenever i lunge or squat they give out... so i recommend either not benching and just finding an alternative for a while  if it continues you might need to get it checked out

  2. could be wear and tear on the cartilage of that joint. You should try taking one of the joint supplements such as Oste-Bi Flex or Flex a Min, the ones with MSM also have an anti-inflammatory component, these products help repair cartilage but this can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to notice a difference, also fish oil supplements can help too. Check your form, make sure you are doing it correctly and not putting undue stress on the joint.  

  3. you're straining your elbow, the ligaments in the elbow are being compressed and stretched too much and it's causing inflation inside your elbow.

    I could suggest staying off of bench for awhile.......

    but if you're like me then that is NEVER an option unless my arm is literally falling off!!

    so I strongly suggest.........

       Icing your elbow when you get home

       try doing lighter weight compounded with more reps

       take Ibuprofen before lifting; but only if you AREN'T prone to medicine head! (but if you can take it then it'll keep the swelling down in your elbow and keep it more stable so you're less prone to further injury!)

       Drink ALOT of water!

    some not so necessary but still effect suggestions..........

       wearing a brace or getting taped beforehand

       doing alternative targeted work outs (until your elbow heels) that work out the pecs and tricepts but have a lower impact on elbows like butterfly lifts and tricept pushdowns on the machines


  4. maybe you're not lifting right

  5. Get it checked out by a doctor.  You might need to lighten up a little.  Or slack off doing it too often.  Sounds a bit like you're an accident waiting to happen - and you don't know what pain is until that happens.

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