
When im watching a tennis match on tv, how do i read the score thing on the top? whats what?

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When im watching a tennis match on tv, how do i read the score thing on the top? whats what?




  1. LMAO at "Petesux B" comment. You and the other person are right though it cannot be explained here. I pretty much learned tennis scoring by watching it and playing video games.

    I did the same thing for golf- I used to be so lost with golf until I played a video game and started to learn the scoring. So when I see a score on Sportscenter, etc I actually know what it means

  2. When you see a guy with slumped shoulders, it means he's losing and if someone cheers and shouts Come'on!!! they're usually winning. At the end the guy smiling won.  The scores reflect that. Its too complicated to explain here, check

  3. each virtical row is a set and each number in the vertical row is a game and the numbers beside the number is a point for each game. hope that helps :-)

  4. the scoreboard on the top is a way of showing the number of games in each set won by each player.  The player's name is listed on the left, with his/her seed next to that.  Generally there is a yellow ball to signify that they are serving.  The scores are listed in columns.  For example, if Roddick is playing Federer, and is up 2-1 in the first set, it would be displayed like this:

    Roddick 2

    Federer  1

    if roddick or federer wins the first set, the first set score will be listed in a similar way, but whoever won the set will have the higher number.  When a new set is started, a new column is added. ex)

    Roddick  6  0

    Federer   4  3

  5. browse or google & click on how to score tennis games. It is in full detail for your understanding

    Good times

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