
When in Puerto Rico, can I use US stramps to send postcards?

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When in Puerto Rico, can I use US stramps to send postcards?




  1. If you don't, your mail will not go anywhere!!

  2. you have to

    there are no other stamps that can be used...

  3. Puerto Rico it's a Commonwealth of the United States.  It means we pay with dollars and we send letters internationally with US stamps also.  You don't even need a passport to come to Puerto Rico, if you're an American citizen.  

    Visit this link so you know a little more about Puerto Rico before coming to visit:

    Have a nice day!

  4. Yes, we use US Post Office Services all the time.

  5. Yes,

    But please remember that Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth of the United States  not a territory. There is a big legal difference that would offend Puerto Rican if you call it the wrong thing.

    As part of the U.S. you will have all your federal services available on the island.

  6. the post office here is the United States Postal Service (USPS). so with this i awnsers all your questions.

  7. Is the same postal service, is like sending mail from state to state. Postal employees are Federal employees. USPS is one of the few Federal Employees, including FBI, ect.

  8. You can buy Post card Stamps in any Post office in Puerto Rico.. Puertorican stamps are the SAME and the Mainland stamps....

  9. Puerto Rico is part of the United States of America, its a US Territory almost like a state, not there yet! but everything works just as it will in any of the 50 states including DC.

    Federal laws and jurisdiction apply, as well as the United States Postal Service.

  10. Puerto Rico is United States territory, so the post office there is the same as in the United States and so is the currency. You would send your mail to Puerto Rico the same you do here in the United States, the cost is the same.

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