
When in history was the idea, or concept of Love first recorded? Or, what is the history of Love?

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I know this question might seem abstract because love is just that, it's not something tangible. However, I was wondering if perhaps early man acted and procreated because of instinct rather then romantic feelings. If so, how did Love evolve. And if it's always been around, what are some of the earliest historical records of the concept of Love?




  1. Would you not think that Adam and Eve loved each other, if they were real? But who can say when it first recorded. There are some ancient languages that take years to translate, and I'm sure they didn't have the time to write about love.

  2. Because early man did not have written language, we'll never know. However, there are some good examples of love being written about, especially in philosophy.

    As early as 370ish BC, Plato wrote The Phaedrus, which speaks of love. "My tale, Socrates, is one of your sort, for love was the theme which occupied us..." Apparently the concept was known to him. Love is spoken of in Greek mythology, and even earlier, in the tale of Gilgamesh. That was 2000 B.C, or there abouts. Gilgamesh makes mention of the love he bore for his friend Enkidu in his lamentation after Enkidu's death. Again, apparent that the concept of love, even this far back, was known.

    Love, as a concept, has gone through many idealizations. From philosophy to literature to latter day media, love is an enduring concept.

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