
When installing central heat and air, why do they put the cold air return in the cealing ?

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heat rises, not cold air, so you would be sucking all the heat out through the cold air return.? right.




  1. Another reason they would put these in the ceiling is if this is a retro fit into a home that did not have central before, and also does not have any other way to run the cold air returns except to go thru the attic and then into the ceiling.  Just a thought.

  2. they should install high and low returns. in the summer, the high returns should be open to suck in the hot air  thats near the ceiling.

    opposite in the winter

  3. It is for mixing the air so the unit doesn't have to do all to work alone. In the winter when the furnace comes on after being off for a while, this will keep the first air mixed so you don't get a straight shot of cold air out of the vents, vise versa in the summer. then as the unit is working, your are circulation the warm air from the house along with the new heat and sending it around the house for more efficiency.

  4. helps cool house

  5. I don't think anyone who has a license Would do that

    you must ask them

  6. Last year we had some problems with our AC. The tech came out to fix it and I asked him that same question. He showed me how to position the vents for maximum circulation.

    You're supposed to aim the vents across the ceiling toward the outside wall. This creates a downward draft that makes the cool air travel down the outside wall. It drags the hot air with it. It also cool off the walls and that helps make the whole house cooler.

    The return in the ceiling is not usually around any vents. So the idea is that the air travels in a circular pattern across the ceiling down the wall and across the floor into the low pressure area where the return is pulling the air in to continue the cycle.

    It works.

    This year our electric bill is about $150.00 lower than last year at this same time. We live in Florida. Its freakin' hot out there! So this is a really nice benefit.

    Good luck.

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