
When is America going to pay back China the money it BORROWED?!?

by Guest33289  |  earlier

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China is tired of that freeloader America borrowing and borrowing while pretending it has money. So where is broke, as in the red (no pun intended) America going to pay up?




  1. never

  2. yea and when are all the other countries going to pay back all the monies they owe us? Thats what I want to know!!!!

    For starters...,India, Mongolia and the Philippines.

    Together, they owe the city $57 million in property taxes on facilities not used for diplomatic purposes. Naturally, they're not keen on ponying up.

    Now I know thats not much but its a start

  3. The US will never pay back China. The real question here is : When will China be tired enough of USA's bs and recall the debt??

  4. The U.S. is getting away with all the debts as we speak.

    With the help of the mainstream media propaganda machines, the U.S. is feeding general population with the BS of "China manipulated and greatly undervalued the Chinese currency - Yuan, in order to gain unfair advantage in trade".  

    In the past 2 years, the U.S. had forced China to raise the value of Yuan, while making USD into faster inflation.

    Just less than 2 years ago

    1 USD = 8.3 Yuan (always...for the last 15 years or more)


    1 USD = 6.9 Yuan.

    The result = The U.S. already got away with around 20% the debts.

    The Chinese work their butts off and produced majority goods used in the U.S. for ... trash talking whenever the propaganda machines in the U.S. got an order from news watchdog agency...and pieces of useless paper (bonds).

  5. Never and China knows this.

  6. No, we are going to pay interest on the debt forever.  Our debt has been growing since the 1930s, and I don't believe we have ever paid any of it back, we just pay the interest.  The debt becomes less when we have inflation, because we owe it in smaller dollars.  So every couple of decades we have a wave of inflation.  We're seeing one of those now, and it will get worse in the next year or two.

    Every American presidential candidate promises to balance the budget, but once in office he realizes he can borrow money and get credit for boosting the economy, then pass the debt on to the next president.  The ONLY president in recent years who made government smaller, cut spending, and got us on track towards a balanced budget was Bill Clinton!  GW Bush has acted as if debt simply doesn't matter. His budgets have the biggest deficits in history, NOT COUNTING the Iraq War!

  7. The U.S. pass up when somebody cashes the bonds.  That amount has been about $250 billion a year.

  8. Don't hold your breath.  And without America buying all the products manufactured by exploited Chinese children, the Chinese economy would be in the toilet.

  9. We don't have to, as you'll start seeing in the years to come when more and more Chinese business keep swallowing us up.

  10. First,,, in china, the news is that the women are the ones having a problem is plasic surgery with an idea of getting taller among  who would have to be the african...  What are they not being able to be known for is what I do not understand?

    Next,,,, the releaf that everything seen to be made with out them.

  11. we're not.

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