
When is Armageddon? What's the Mark of the Beast or 666? Are we living in the Time of the End?

by Guest60472  |  earlier

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When is Armageddon? What's the Mark of the Beast or 666? Are we living in the Time of the End?




  1. Looks like Armageddon may be soon.  As far as the mark, I wouldn't take a microchip in my hand or forehead.  Get some good commentaries on the books of Daniel and Revelation if you are really interested.  John 3:16

  2. Well the Mayans predicted that some kind of revelation was going to happen sometime in the year 2012...It could be the end of the world. As for 666, It's the number of the antichrist in the Catholic Bible.

  3. No one knows when Armageddon will take place only God the father who is in heaven knows. However, we were told to look for the signs of his coming- there are seasons before His return. (I can get into detail but then I'll write more and bore you, email me if you'd like.) The mark of the beast is 666 (six hundred threescore and six.) The mark is thought to be our modern day technology- the implant microchip. Some say it will simply be our daily works spiritually in our brain (conscience) and our hands (work) in short. I believe we are running out of time, things in the bible are closely tying to an end. We are indeed living in the end times. Jesus said to look for His coming because He will come like a thief. Do thieves give warning before they come? No. What Jesus is saying, protect your house and you will know when the thief comes- you will catch Him. With our everyday lives I find it extremely hard to believe any of this since were blind and bonded to bills, debt, money, gas prices, work, school etc. that we are careless. Take heed people, for Jesus will come in the clouds in heaven coming down to take His followers and end all evil.

  4. You know its interesting.  The Mayans believe the world will end in the Winter Solstice/equinox (I can never remember which it is in Winter), 2012, which falls about December 21.

    According to a discover channel show about the book of revelations, the time it was written was the reign of Emperor Nero.  Every number in the alphabet has an assigned number.  Nero's name, in the way HE would have spelled it, his number came to 666.

    Incidently, he persecuted Christians during his reign.  (You know, the feeding them to the lions thing.)

    Makes you wonder...

  5. 666 i believe is a part of the uhhh...(drawn a blank) oh yea the calling of Bloody Mary thing..And the end of time is when the earth is drawn in by the suns end a black hole.But then time isn't over it will go on in Heaven.

  6. we are living in the end of days according to one knows when armageddon will happen except God.

  7. yes, we are living in the time of the end, but not the end of the world. for more info look at,


  9. Armageddon is when there are wars and rumors of wars near the end times. The mark of the beast is not 666. They are two different things. 666 is the Number of the beast. The mark of the beast is something that the final antichrist will have. Nobody knows whether we are in the End times or not. Only God would know.

  10. armageddon is when chaos breaks out and is no stop to it like earth quakes and tidal wave forest fires ice age stuff like that and the end of the world thing its possible but i don't think its going to happen anytime soon

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