
When is Global Warming going to kill us all?

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No one say it isnt gonna kill us cuz it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. In about 1 billion years when the aging Sun expands to the point that temperatures on the Earth will be too high to support life as we know it.  Then, about 6.5 billion years later, the Earth will be swallowed by the sun bringing about the final end.  Until then, things may get a bit warmer, but it will at most be an inconvenience.

  2. Well, in geologic terms of time passing an example is that the ocean is rising at the geologic speed of light but humans have a hard time getting that.

    The deal is that in the past 450,000 years the CO2 level never got above 300-ppm, and now is nearing the 400-ppm level with nothing stopping its rise. Of note is that the change in temperature during this long period of time was ahead of the change in CO2, then in the 1850's or so CO2 began to spike with temperature now trying to rise in response.

    The only thing in the way is the ocean, which soaks up the excess heat and in doing so expands, rises, and along with glacier and snowfield meltwater will put about 15-meters/50-ft of ocean over what you see today no more than a century from now as things are going.

    Where do those coastal people without housing or jobs go? They will go inland, by the millions, and where do you build the new port to replace the one that just got washed away?

    It's a social and economic disaster and it'll happen in degrees. The islands of Tavu have a government already shopping for countries for its people to move to since the rise in sea-level is already destroying habitats and reefs, with little success.

    So, in terms of politics and political time spans, my thought is that when a leftover hurricane floods Manhattan Island enough to force the permanent abandonment of the subway system, that'll be the turning point for the power culture in Washington, D.C., to admit global warming is real. Flooding the subways can happen any season now where you get the combo of a big low-pressure system causing a rise in sea-level along with for example a high spring tide ... it's a c**p game from here on out.

    And if anyone wants to know when humanity has actually done enough to deal with the fact of global warming, it's when the sea stops rising, that's the turning point for what we're doing by dumping billions of tons of greenhouse gases per year into the atmosphere like it'll go anywhere ...

    The best first step to solving the problem is to stop using gasoline immediately and instead use bio-diesel for transportation fuels, and to replace coal for electrical power generation in a separate development of fuels and processes.

    Then you grow your fuel, takes CO2 out of the atmosphere and replaces it with molecular Oxygen, then you burn it as fuel and reverse most of this, but the overall cycle will cut emissions way more than any other single thing possible, nothing else is practical in the short-term, hydrogen is the best but it's too high-tech for worldwide distribution and replacement of what's out there right now.

    To convert to bio-diesel you stop delivering gasoline and only delivery bio-diesel to gas stations.

    Existing engines can be converted to run well on diesel type fuels (but also can run OK for most people without doing a thing), this can eliminate the largest percentage of emissions "overnight" than anything else possible, nothing else is practical that can have such an impact on actual emissions in a relatively short period of time.

    By the time failing economies and global impacts from altered climate and rising sea-levels have collided, many poor people will certainly have died well before their time, we have been creating urban slums, now in the billions of people, since the 1960's, and an especially rapid growth since the 1980's.

    This also contributes to the burden that now exists on resources and by their becoming scarce, prices for basic goods will keep rising, adding the to the process of more leaving the farm.

    These masses are leaving farms because the capitalist system doesn't pay enough there to keep up with the rise in price of basic goods, so they go live in shacks surrounding urban areas to be able to work and make enough to scratch out a living. It's a negative feedback with no simple solution. Nearly all of these areas will be affected by the rise in sea-level and this mess will then have to re-locate inland.

    Keep your eye on that ocean, when it stops rising ... that's when humanity can know they finally have the actual power to keep their best interests in mind. Until then, we'll destroy island after island, wash away village after village until the big cities also succumb to the rising sea.

    Nice reputation to have in the history books ... the era of petroleum, we need an end to the era of petroleum and need to begin a new era.

  3. Contrary to what many people believe, global warming is true and a big problem. Look for example at a picture of mount kilimanjaro and its snow cap. With the time the global warming has been melting its snow cap, and today a tin portion of it is left.

    I have read many news on the subject and written many articles about it for the school news paper, and the gener information says that by 2100 the world will be in chaos and with very few people. On top of the global warming threat we also have the problem of water and that is estimated to affect us (or end) by 2070.

    It's shocking, and we have to do something fast!!!

  4. Some people believe anything the the environmentalist nuts say!

  5. You're right - global warming is going to kill us all.  How can anyone else not see this?  You are certainly a smart person to see through the skeptics disbelief.

    Many people are now saying that the end of the world is going to happen in 2012.  Have fun - life is shorter than you think

  6. It may not kill us all, it may only kill most of us, starting with the ones who can't afford the skyrocketing price of food, and the people that those people kill as they're rioting and looking for people to blame, and who they take resources from in order to survive.

    People living in obscure rural regions, far from big cities, with decent rainfall and water supplies, might have a decent chance of survival.  It's impossible at this time to identify those places, since we don't know where the worst droughts will hit as the earth warms 11 degrees or more.

    "Pentagon officials warn that abrupt climate change over the next 20 years could throw the world into a state of anarchy -- dwarfing the current threat of terrorism.  In this doomsday scenario, large-scale droughts, famine brought on by food shortages and reduced energy supplies could cause riots around the globe that could culminate in nuclear warfare."

  7. I herd that there was a planet getting closer to earth and that NASA is keeping it secret.  This planet is as big as jupiter and is going to come as close to earth as mars is.  This is what caused the astroids in the belt.

    As the planet gets closer, the earth heats up.  The sumatrins predicted this thousands of years ago.

    It's supposed to kill off man.  this is why the governments are keeping it a seceret.  They don't want to cause mass panic.

  8. I may be mistaken, but I don't think anyone in the scientifc community is predicting that it will kill us ALL.  And while global warming is occurring, the actual outcome is still uncertain and couched in terms of statistical probability, which a lot of people on both sides of the issue apparently don't understand.

    My layman's opinion is that we are going to see some significant climactic shifts, with some areas around the globe getting hotter and drier, and others experiencing different long-term changes.  Populations that can relocate will adapt more readily than the ones that cannot.

    Hopefully the changes in climate will be more gradual than sudden-for example, if the levels do rise, it will occur over a period of time that will allow most of the population affected to move inland...deserts encroaching on formerly fertile lands will likely take longer, although drought and famine could hit large populations hard and with little notice-and that seems to be happening already, global warming or no.

    I also believe (again as a layman rather than a self-proclaimed expert) that violent and less predictable weather is a symptom of global warming, and that may also take it's toll on less prepared populations.  Season to season and regional variations in climate sure seem to be swinging more widely than in the past, but those are more manageable...of course, one can't reach any conclusions based on one extreme season or anything, the long-term changes are the ones to watch for.

    However, I also believe that advancing technology as well as further research about the nature of the warming we are experiencing now will help us plan in advance and adapt to whatever climactic shifts come our way.  While it is disheartening to see the issue played like a political football and a general reluctance to change is evident, I think there are enough people and governments researching the problem to give us more solid information about the trends so that we will be able to adopt new ways of doing things that will benefit our long-term survival.  Hopefully the debate will reach a suitable conclusion in time for us to come to a course of action that will protect our environment better than we currently are.

    Regardless, I don't think global warming, whatever the outcome, will result in the extinction of the human race.

  9. I think that unless we do something about we will be forced to adapt our lifestyle to the extreme temperatures but this process will take generations to complete

    ... for all those that think it is a myth or global cooling this is the definition of global warming: The process in the AVERAGE temperature for the world rises and for those that think it is global cooling we are going into winter that is why it is getting cooler not because we are going into the next ice age

  10. i don no...

  11. Global warming is fake. It won't kill you. All you've been is brainwashed by your liberal public school so when a democrat becomes president, your taxes will increase dramatically.

  12. its not global warming is a myth thay want you to be leave it was bound to happen no matter what if we warn t hear any ways

  13. Global Warming won't kill us ALL. But it will have some serious effects, like the flooding of continents and extinction of certain animals. People are gonna die. Just not everybody.

  14. its not for sure. it could b a natural occurance. but i am wth u on tryin to stop it. :)

  15. Never.  We're tough.  But it will make life unpleasant, if we don't do something about it.

    It won't be a Hollywood movie style disaster. Gradually coastal areas will flood and agriculture will be damaged. But it will be very bad. Rich countries will cope, but it will take huge amounts of money. In poor countries many people will die of starvation, but not all of them.

  16. the day after tomorrow....

  17. July 3rd of this year.  I thought everybody already knew.

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