
When is McCain going to get a haircut?

by  |  earlier

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He looks pretty good on top when he wears his cap. It doesn't look very Presidential around his ears and on his neck. Can't they find a man to do it? I can see why they might not want a woman hairdresser. Surely Cindy would hold the plane, wouldn't she?




  1. Are you serious???  

  2. He'll get it cut when he finally remembers he was supposed to go to the barber shop last week.

  3. Right after Obama quits voting to support Flag burning in the Senate.

  4. maybe when the mortician cuts it , isnt he like a hundred?

  5. Really, when is Obama going to shave his head?

  6. Older guys with less on top seem to compensate by growing it longer on the sides and back.

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